In our next installment of the ARE 5.0 Series, Emily goes solo to talk about the 3rd exam in our recommended test order - Construction & Evaluation! She covers the content of the key sections in the test, goes over practice questions, and covers study resources + miscellaneous tips that YOU need to PASS this exam! Good luck to everyone studying - we are rooting for you! Be sure to follow @openplanpodcast on Instagram for even more ARE content & fun architecture tips and tricks.
4:06 - Content of test & practice questions
32:18 - Study Resources
42:28 - Miscellaneous tips
Use code OPP15 for 15% off Desk Crits Guide to the ARE 5.0
Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice (AHPP)
AHPP Wiley Guide
AIA Contracts
Ballast (PPI) Review Manual
Hyperfine ArchitectureBuilding Construction Illustrated